What is Track Day Repatriation Insurance?
- Emergency Medical Costs (track day injuries)
- Repatriation back home to the UK
- Optional cover for personal injury pay outs

Ever wondered what Track Day "Repat" Insurance is all about?
Many UK track riders will at some point visit a European circuit for the [almost] guaranteed sun and track time; it’s less common to use circuits outside of Europe so this page is focused on Euro trips - besides we can't offer cover for track days or racing outside of the EU at this time.
Our European friends don’t like the idea of their tax-payers getting stuck with your hospital bills for something they consider hazardous and at your own risk. It’s therefore mandatory with most Track Day Organisers (TDO) at EU circuits to have what’s known as Repatriation Insurance (or “Repat”).
Think of Repat Insurance as a top up to your separate travel insurance policy, e.g. your 'normal' travel insurance covers things like sickness, cancellation and legal expenses, and will cover your medical and repatriation costs for non-track activities, but once you go on track it stops providing cover... which is where Repat Insurance steps in with up to £250,000 cover for emergency medical costs and up to £100,000 for repatriation back to the UK for accidents on track in the EU only.
- Buy a 'normal' travel insurance policy (single or multi trip) which must cover the whole of your trip duration and be bought BEFORE you leave the UK
- Buy this 'top up' repat insurance cover specifically for the days you're on track (accident only cover)
Most travel insurance providers exclude “Dangerous Sports” or “Hazardous Pursuits”, this policy specifically includes track day riding and has the option to add amateur racing for extra premium (sadly there's no cover available any professional racing).
Note: You need to wear appropriate motorcycle apparel on track (see below).
What does Track Day Repatriation Insurance cover me for?
Simple summary of key benefits and policy limits.
Cover is only provided for accidents on track within Europe (it is a 'top up' policy to your separate travel insurance, which should hopefully cover everything else).
Repat Insurance | Policy Limits |
Emergency Medical Costs (Europe Only) | Up to £250,000 |
Repatriation Costs (back to the UK) - Alive | Up to £100,000 |
Repatriation Costs (back to the UK) - Deceased | Up to £50,000 |
Liability Cover (to other people or their property)* | N/A |
Personal Injury and Accidental Death Cover | Optional Extra |
Damage to Riding Gear | Optional Extra |
* Riders sign a disclaimer to accept the risk of personal injury and damage to their own bike and riding gear when riding or racing “on track”. Track days would not last long if everyone sued each other for damages when something went wrong.
Always ensure you have checked the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) website for travel advice on the country you are travelling to - make sure it is OK for non-essential travel. You will NOT be covered for claims arising from non-essential trips like track days if you travel against FCO advice.
This product is NOT available to purchase by phone, please use this online quote process provided by TDA Services.
Can I buy Annual Multi Trip Repat Insurance?
This Repatriation Insurance cover is designed to be purchased each time you go on a Euro track day trip. It covers 3-days on track as standard, with an option to add extra days if you are on a longer session. It only covers you for specific benefits and only as a result of an accident on track.
You will need separate travel insurance to cover you for everything off the track, which can be cheaper if you buy an annual policy either on its own or through a packaged bank account - then you just need to buy 'top up' repat cover as-and-when you need it.
What are the Repat Insurance age limits?
This repat policy is different to most other insurance you can buy for track days, as it doesn't matter what age you are, as long as you're over 18 (no upper age limit).
This is because it is an 'accident only' insurance with specific benefits for track days and amateur racing, i.e. it is NOT a full holiday insurance policy and doesn't cover all the other stuff travel insurance does - it is just designed to cover emergency medical and repatriation costs for accidents ON TRACK in Europe.
Because it isn't a full holiday insurance policy and doesn't cover things like sickness (only accidents on track), there is no medical underwriting and it is guaranteed acceptance. If you don't already have holiday insurance through your bank account or an annual family policy, it's a good idea to have proper holiday insurance as well - they'll ask lots of medical underwriting questions, but it is usually pretty cheap as it excludes the track day risks.
What Protective Riding Gear do I need to wear?
The following motorcycle apparel is required for this cover to be operative when riding on a short circuit or race track (amateur racing or non-competitive track days):
- ACU Approved Full-Face Motorcycle Helmet; and
- CE Approved apparel including:
- Leather motorcycle gloves that overlap or are underlapped by the sleeve
- One piece leathers or two piece leathers that zip all the way around
- Motorcycle boots that overlap or are overlapped by the leathers
- Full length back protector – integrated or separate
Why do I need “Repat Insurance” when I have an EHIC or GHIC card?
Whilst EEA member states are obliged to treat UK citizens showing a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or the new post-Brexit Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), sometimes for hazardous sports injuries these cards are rejected by the hospital – rightly or wrongly. That’s why track day insurance is required, even at public hospitals the bills can quickly rack up - so your Emergency Medical Expenses are covered by this policy (up to £250,000) for accidents on track.
Significantly, the EHIC or GHIC will not get you repatriated back home to the UK (where medically necessary and safe to do so) or where necessary repatriate one other person who is required for medical reasons to stay with you overseas.
Remember repatriation can be very costly, for example if you can't safely travel in a normal plane seat, or the airline won't accept the risk of travelling without medical supervision for the journey. Repatriation cover is included on top of the Medical Expenses limit (up to £50,000 for a body or £100,000 with a pulse) - we shouldn’t joke - but it’s not something any of us want to think about.
In some cases the insurers have paid for relatives to fly out, including accommodation, to support customers when stranded overseas whilst receiving treatment. Again an EHIC or GHIC card won't provide this kind of support when needed.
Whilst it might not cover all the things you would expect to get free of charge from the NHS in the UK, you should always carry an EHIC or GHIC card anyway. You can apply for an GHIC online or by calling +44 (0) 300 330 1350 (if your EHIC card is still within date then that’s OK too).
IMPORTANT: Make sure you answer all medical questions honestly and accurately when buying any travel insurance policy. Pre-Existing conditions will always be excluded unless declared and accepted by the insurer (sometimes for additional premium) and misleading the insurers about your medical history could cost you dearly.
This product is NOT available to purchase by phone, please use this online quote process provided by TDA Services.
Can I upgrade to a private hospital?
No. Our policy is for public/state facilities only. Whilst we appreciate that some EEA countries do not offer the same high standard of care we are used to with the NHS, it's very difficult to find insurers that will accept track day risks and cover private costs as well.
However much you might prefer it, treatment at private hospitals is excluded unless agreed by the insurer first (in rare circumstances); see our FAQ: "What's the issue with private hospitals?" at the bottom of this page to understand why.
We are not aware of any genuine BUPA style policies that "guarantee" private treatment abroad, this is even less likely for policies that cover track days due to the increased likelihood of claims. If true private hospital insurance exists and you can afford it, then fantastic, but do your research as you might pay more for no concrete guarantees (see below note).
However, we do understand that if you have an accident whilst participating in a track event you will usually be taken to the nearest appropriate medical facility, which could be public or private for initial emergency treatment and assessment. If you are admitted to a private facility, call the emergency assistance line as soon as possible and the insurer will advise what options are best for you (for god’s sake don’t let them have your credit card)!
Note: In exceptional circumstances, i.e. only where medically necessary and adequate public facilities are not available, the insurer may consider alternatives to public facilities on a case-by-case basis (this must always be pre-approved by the insurer, otherwise you’ll get the private hospital bill).
Who actually provides this insurance?
There are a number of parties involved in the process of offering you this Track Day Repat Insurance, which can be confusing, hopefully this helps identify who does what:
Who arranges and administers the policy? | BeMoto Repat Insurance is provided by TDA Services Inc Ltd ("TDA Services") who are an authorised representative of the insurer and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under Firm Reference Number 1021887. For Quotes or Amendments to your policy or for additional medical screening visit your online account: https://tdaservices.co.uk Email: helpme@tdaservices.co.uk Opening Hours: 9am-6pm weekdays excluding public holidays. |
Who underwrites the insurance? | Unless otherwise stated this Insurance is underwritten by Indigo Underwriters Limited, regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under firm reference number 514818. |
Who handles emergency claims? | EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE ABROAD - If you are admitted to hospital as an inpatient, or where outpatient medical costs are likely to exceed €1,000 - For repatriation to bring you back home to the United Kingdom Contact Crisis 24 emergency assistance as soon as possible: Tel: +44 (0) 207 902 7131 Email: opsassist@crisis24.com |
Who handles non-emergency claims? | TO REPORT A NON EMERGENCY CLAIM (WHEN YOU GET BACK HOME) Where you have medical costs with receipts up to €1,000 that you have paid directly and wish to claim back, including: - Minor outpatient treatment - Emergency transport charges / private ambulance fees to get you to the hospital To report a non emergency claim visit: https://tdaservices.co.uk/contact The insurers will be responsible for managing and settling any claims you make under your policy. |
All parties are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Calls may be recorded for your joint protection.
A summary of the insurance provided and a full policy wording is available on TDA Services documents page.
Do I call BeMoto to report a claim?
No. BeMoto does not handle travel claims. The insurer has appointed Crisis 24 Emergency Assistance to handle emergency medical and repatriation claims 24/7. It is important to call Crisis 24 Emergency Assistance on the number in the table above as soon as possible if any medical expenses are likely to exceed €1,000 or if you are admitted to hospital.
We can’t risk being a middleman delaying the process of getting you vital emergency treatment and we certainly don’t have specialist medical claims handlers, relationships with hospitals and medical experts or a team of foreign language speakers...
You, or someone in your party, should always call the Crisis 24 emergency assistance team on +44 (0) 207 902 7131 as soon as possible to get the insurer involved to ensure (a) you are taken to the most appropriate public/state medical facility and (b) it’s better if they agree treatment with the hospital in advance, where practical or possible, to avoid you committing to things they won’t agree to pay for.
Clearly if you’re unconscious or in no fit state to make phone calls then that may mean calling them later, at the earliest possible opportunity. If you wind up in a private hospital through no fault of your own, the insurer reserves the right to move you to a public/state hospital at an appropriate time (being careful not to risk your recovery).
For non-emergency claims such as an ambulance bill or hospital expenses up to €1,000 in total, refer to the link in the table above.
NEVER provide your payment card details to a hospital or clinic.
Can I call BeMoto for help and support?
In the vast majority of cases things go smoothly. We will never even hear about the majority of claims due to strict data protection rules around medical information, however things clearly can go wrong from time-to-time with so many parties in the process, including unfamiliar hospitals, cultures and non-English speaking Doctors.
BeMoto are here to support you as our client where possible by explaining the process and when necessary, chasing things up with the assistance company. Some of our team may occasionally hear about incidents on social media, track day forums etc, but we cannot engage directly through those channels and in many cases wouldn’t be able to identify who you are anyway without more personal information. If we don’t know about issues with your claims experience we can’t help.
It's also likely that the insurer will not tell us or your friends specific details about your treatment if we call them, unless you grant the insurer authority for someone else to act on your behalf, who can also pass data protection checks.
See our Track Day Repatriation FAQs for more questions and answers before buying online.
This product is NOT available to purchase by phone, please use this online quote process provided by TDA Services.